Tuesday, March 10, 2015

"That they may have his Spirit to be with them: An Introduction"

Hello Everybody, I apologize early for the shortness of this post.  Some crazy things have happened this Monday and I ask your forgiveness for the length of this weeks blog post
As I intended to do this I want to speak a little bit on the gift and power of the Holy Ghost.  But since I'm on a major time crunch currently I'm going to assign some homework for next week when I'll have more time to write.  In preparation for next week's installment I would ask all of you to read a Devotional given by President Henry B. Eyring titled "Going Home".
This devotional is largely the basis for what will be in next week's blog post.  I pray that you will read and study this devotional.  It spoke on a very deep level to me, and I know it can do the same to you.  I can't wait to write out my thoughts and experiences on the Holy Ghost.  But this will suffice me for this week.
Here is the link to the devotional:

I hope and pray that you all have a wonderful week. 
Love, Elder Gailey

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