I'm a little behind the ball, I planned to do a Thanksgiving post last week but as you might know that didn't happen. Things were too out of control and too busy. So now is the time to be thankful for relaxed Preparation Days.
I'm going to write a short story on something I am grateful for this week in particular; the Holy Ghost
This story actually comes from yesterday, so I'm a little glad I missed writing this post last week. Elder Ayre and I were about to try some potentials in Fonda last night. It was about 7:00 and was dark -- it gets dark at 4:30 PM here for whatever reason -- and it was a little chilly. We were walking up to a potential investigator's house and while we were walking we saw that they had company over. We kept walking past their house, not sure of what to do. We stopped on a street corner and talked for a while wondering what we should do. This was our last potential for the night, and we had nowhere else to go. It had been a long day, and we were tired and cold. We reasoned that maybe we should go back home and study or prepare for the next day. We stood out in the cold for a while longer when I decided to pray. It was a short prayer, and all I asked for was the knowledge to know what to do so we can bless this families life. After I said my prayer we stood a while more in the cold. All of a sudden I felt that we should go knock on the door. The thought never wanted to leave my mind. I informed my companion that we should do that, and he agreed. We knocked on their door and were graciously welcomed in and told to warm up a little bit. We were given cake and ice cream as it was one of the little daughters birthdays and were introduced as the families 'Mormon Friends'. After talking for a while and checking up on the family we left feeling that we had made the best choice possible. We didn't baptize them or give them a life-changing experience, but we did give them something very important. We gave them two friends. And sometimes that's all people need at that time. The Holy Ghost blessed me with assurance to know what to do when we were struggling with a choice, and I am grateful for the lesson that I learned last night. In my journal I wrote to my future self saying
"Future Elder Gailey, you should follow the Holy Ghost's guidance for two reasons:
1. By doing so you bring yourself and potentially others closer to Jesus Christ
2. There might be free ice cream inside that door"

"For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do."
For those of us who have been blessed to have the gift of the Holy Ghost, we are also entitled to the blessings of guidance and knowledge based upon our faith and worthiness. It's my promise to each person that as you stay worthy of this great gift, and you will never be lead astray.
I love you all and hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Talk to you next week!
Love, Elder Gailey
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