Hello Everyone, this week I wanted to talk about an experience that I had during a meal appointment.
After finishing the meal my companion and I proceeded to share a short lesson with those who had so kindly fed us. After sharing our message one of the members posed an odd questions to us:
"What is the most common lesson you learn in the Book of Mormon?"
Immediately thoughts of love, Christ's atonement, hope, charity, diligence, and repentance entered into my mind. Not knowing what this member was driving at, I figured I would ask bluntly what it was. The answer that I received was unexpected and one that I would never have thought of. I was told that the most common lesson learned in the Book of Mormon is contained in the phrase that we read all too commonly, which is:
"And it came to pass"
I was initially a little dumbfounded at that answer, but the member went on to explain that though we go through sorrow, pain, and affliction, it will all come to pass us eventually.

I was curious as to how true this member's answer was, so I turned to technology to help me understand the answer by way of numbers. Doing a quick search through the Book of Mormon I found that there are 1117 instances of the exact phrase, "and it came to pass".
My wish for each of you is to try and look at the scriptures a little differently to gain new insights and revelation, and then talk with someone about the passage or point of doctrine and see what their take on it is. I promise you that as you do, you will begin to see the scriptures in their true power and beauty and that the Holy Ghost will bring even more truths to you because you sought after them.
Love, Elder Gailey
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